Det er helt eller delvis ikke muligt at rejse, mens du ikke ser folk, der spørger om kameraet under en scenisk baggrund, og ønsker alternative folk at tage deres gode billeder, der opererer på det ene specielle skud og ideelle scene. Det har nå blitt en praksis for at forårsake forrige selfies (trelfies) når du besøker en hvilken som helst destinasjon.


Så hvis du er additionally den eneste som jobber på det bekymringsløse, all-smile, morsomme, go-natural poses hver gang du besøker nyt sted, her foreslår vi dig en eksklusiv destination i Gujarat for all dine "Click & Post" moments.


Merely 300 km from Ahmedabad, the white marvel of Kutch is one of the rare geographical wonders of the world. For the photo junkies, the White Desert will place several international destinations to shame with its captivating charm. Forget Instagram filters and photo editing mobile apps, the destination will bit your photos with all the natural filters, from sparkling background on full moon night to many shades of orange throughout the sunset.


The best time to go to this place is during Rann Utsav when the white marvel gets a gorgeous makeover. The bonfire, tents, rajwadi bhungas, cultural performances, craft bazaar, adventure zone and importantly engaging props placed around the White Rann Resort create it "Celebrate the Run of Kutch Gujarat".


So, the subsequent time you're in Gujarat and wish to spice up your journey with a distinctive destination that can act as a good background for your trelfies, visit White Rann and create your social media friends and followers green with envy.


When the white marvel gets a gorgeous makeover. The bonfire, tents, rajwadi bhungas, cultural performances, craft bazaar, adventure zone and importantly engaging props placed around White Rann Resort create it “Celebrate rann utsav at Kutch Gujarat”.


So, the subsequent time you are in Gujarat and would like to boost your journey with a unique destination which will act as a excellent background for your trelfies, visit White Rann and make your social media friends and followers inexperienced with envy.